Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Let me explain why exactly I have not been updating my blog recently. I was brutally maimed by our ruthless, cannibalistic vegan project leader; Julie. I was sitting on the couch minding my own business when from the roof descends (in a Spiderman fashion) this mass of curly blonde hair, aimed directly at my face. I didn't have time to react so my only defense was to emit a loud girlie scream. Then everything went black...... I woke up 3 days later in hospital with human bite marks on my neck and hands, not to mention countless stitches and one extremely nasty black eye. Okay this isn't true but I bet I got your attention.

So in case you weren't able to tell my lifestyle is starting to affect me mentally.. There's just something about sharing absolutely every aspect of your existence with ten other people that causes you to lose your marbles. I'm not sure exactly what it is but if I had to hazard a guess I would say that the reason falls between nightly farting competitions and being stalked by my own roommate... while still in my house. Okay but seriously I promise that I am going to get into the good stuff.. The kind of writing that you are actually wanting to read. The type in which I talk about my job and roommates and experience and how much I love BC and blah blah blah. And here it comes:

We're starting our second round of billeting this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it! I'm billeting with a great family who is so involved in Katimavik I'm surprised they don't have weekly KCC meetings as well! The father; Darrell is an official "Katima-stalker", but in the best possible way! He has three children; two of which are fully grown and have done Katimavik and one daughter in grade 12 who wants nothing to do with being a participant. Here's where the real scary part kicks in.. Darrell's oldest daughter is our next PL! She is the project leader in London! Crazy right?? What are the odds! I will also have a co-billet.. Josh-ishu! :D We're the only two billeting together and it's going to be stellar! We're going to go skiing (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa! :D), watch movies and most likely go on many adventures into the unknown! I'm really pumped for this next week and a bit as it will be a bit of freedom, not only from the rules and regs but also from the group. I think that this will be a prime opportunity for a lot of us to have a bit of a breather from being together so extensively and it will put into perspective just how much we appreciate one another. (*Cross your fingers!) I think that after spending so much time under the same roof patience are starting to run a little short and this will be the perfect chance to defuse any future conflicts that may or may not be threatening to occur. Personally I am not involved in any real conflicts; or none that will result in a fight anyways. Don't get me wrong, we all still are deeply in love with each other but it's time.. you know?

Last night Kristen and I went on a date. It was so romantic! Mocha lattes at Timmies, a beautiful ride on city transit, a little window stalking, her holding my hand while I sobbed my eyes out and (the best part) our romantic kiss on the doorstep at the end of the night. All in all a wonderful evening. It was cheap night at the theatre so naturally, being Katimavik, we attended. We saw 'The Lovely Bones' (any of you who have seen this movie or read the book will now understand the sobbing part). It is actually a really good movie.. different from any other one I've ever seen. (I should probably mention that Julie was our third wheel and laughed at me in the middle of the movie for crying; thus giving merit to my opening paragraph)

This Friday we are doing a CIP which stands for Community Involvement Project. This is basically where we all volunteer together supporting or creating a project that benefits the community, be it Kamloops or the global community. We are holding a bake sale for the MS Society. We're doing it by donation so we're hoping that poor suckers will feel guilty for not paying $2 per cookie and we'll make more money than if we actually set prices. Okay I shouldn't say poor sucker as all the money is going toward a wonderful cause.. I should probably say outstanding philanthropists. I am really excited as I love baking (and eating baked goods) and I love our group and I love interacting with the public and I love doing things to help other people. (Wouldn't my English teacher just be so proud of me for that sentence!) We do CIPs every week starting the one past on which we did a penny drive for Haiti relief. We raised $205.09 in one afternoon! Not bad for a bunch of kids eh? Needless to say we're really proud of ourselves and we're looking forward to raising that much, if not more on our bake sale!

I figure this is as good a place as any to end this post; mostly because I can no longer feel my hands and Candy is sitting on the couch shooting me dirty looks every thirty seconds for hogging the computer. Well until next time, stay classy San Fransisco! (How's a little Anchorman quote for ya?)

<3 LOOOVVVEEEE!!! and peace and all that good stuff :)

1 comment:

  1. You guys are doing awesome with your CIPs! We've like, mentioned it in a meeting. These are some great ideas, though; might plagiarize a bit, haha.
