Monday, September 28, 2009


Well.. Life in Katimavik just took another massive step forward as we moved into our home in Dieppe. We're on the very end of a dead end street with beaucoup d arbres! ('Lots of trees' for you non-Frenchies) It's so beautiful and green here! I love it! The house is kinda old and somewhat sketchy but it's ours and it's free so I'm not going to complain!
The bus was supposed to arrive at Sheldrake camp at noon on the 27th but the times got mixed up and it showed up at midnight the night before instead. This meant that we had to call the bus company and order another one which didn't make it till 2:30 or so.. That was alright by me as it gave us time for a campfire on the beach with almost everyone and time to say goodbye to the beautiful Miramichi River!
Our house is three levels plus an attic but no one can use the basement as it floods and the attic isn't usable yet either. This leaves us with 3 bedrooms for 12 people.. One for Marjo; our project leader, one for the 4 boys and one for the 7 girls. How it's even legal to shove 7 girls into one 12x15 room I don't know but at least we're all getting along.. for now :p The plan is to finish the attic and move Marjo up there so 3 girls can move into the other bedroom.. Who knows when/if that'll happen during our time in Dieppe.
We've made a rule that states that the kitchen area is French-speaking only and you get verbally assaulted by everyone else if you speak English in there. We'll see how long that takes to get old! Also we're going to have 4 French meals a week which means that during dinner you cannot speak English either! This is challenging for me and a lot of nodding, smiling and 'oui oui!' become necessary. That and a lot of 'je ne sai pas!' (I don't understand)
Last night I battled with my first bought of home sickness when I realized that I'm not probably going to see my family or friends until June or at least until they come see me! :p Luckily a girl in my group, Rachel, is big into meditation and she helped me through these amazing deep breathing exercises which really, really made a difference in my anxiety levels!
Tonight we got to take our first trip in the Katima-van! It was awesome.. Even though we only went to Walmart. *You'll notice that a lot of things will have the prefix 'Katima-'. This is just one more element to Katima-life!
My group is so amazing! We have 4 Frenchies: Annabelle, Daniel, Saundra and Candy. They're all from Quebec which I find really cool! From BC we have Kristen, Rachel from Nova Scotia, Scott from outside of Toronto, Josh from Barrie ON, Danielle from Kingston and Nikifor from Regina SK. Kristen asked for a special shout out so here it is! 'You smell funny and should maybe consider a shower!' Just kidding! i love you girl! :)
Well I'm definitely over my computer time limit and I better get off before I get in trouble for having an exclusive relationship with the computer!

Till next time! I miss you all and think about you all the time!! <3


  1. Hey Syd, phone me I have a message for you!!

  2. Morning Syd - sent you some emails. Gma

  3. Thanks for posting Syd, love to here about your life and times!!


  4. Hi Syd,

    Just so excited for you, I can smell the air and imagine the hilarity in the airport. Your House - watch out for mold, it might affect your sinuses and allergies. I can't imagine 7 girls in one room either, do you all get your own bed??? Good Luck with the French! What an experience. Keep blogging, I love to experience things vicariously, Love Sue
