Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hey all!! :D
Just a quick note to keep y'all updated on my Katima-life experiences!
We're all settled into our house and pretty close to settling in to our new lifestyle.. It's difficult to wrap your head around the idea that it is in fact possible to fit 9 months of your life into one dresser drawer and a milk crate! I'm doing it now and it's not as hard as one may think! The thing that I'm struggling with however is the fact that I have to share a bedroom that is smaller than my own at home with 6 other people! I'm never able to be alone and I'm never able to sleep peacefully as it seems there's always someone coughing, snoring, sneezing or talking in their sleep! I'm getting better at sleeping though such things but it's still such an adjustment.
Here's an outline on the past few days..
Monday: House orientation
Tuesday: More house orientation
Wednesday: Tour possible work placements
Thursday: Made a music video which was shown in a short film festival
Friday: Job placement interviews; found out where we will be working
Saturday: Shopping at the Farmer's Market in the morning and Bouctouche Beach in the afternoon
Sunday: Finished grocery shopping and made bread!

I'm going to talk about my week starting on Thurday as the days prior to it were really loong and dull.
We were given the wonderfully unique opportunity of making a short film as a group. We decided (for whatever reason) that we were going to make a music video to Lady GaGa's hit 'Poker Face'. (I swear if I have to listen to it one more time I'm going to lose it!!) I'm going to try and upload the digital copy onto the blog.. We'll see how it goes.. We got to work with a professional film guru who helped with filming and editing. *cough.. did all the good filming and all of the editing ..cough* I think the coolest part of this experience was when we got to go to a little underground bar and watch our film being played for a room of about 35 people. Not too many people liked it I don't think as there was mixed applause and many looks of confusion as they tried to find a deeper meaning than a group of teenagers running down some stairs and dancing. We didn't really care what everyone else thought and we cheered and yelled for ourselves!
Friday was an exciting day as I got my work placement! We met all of our possible 'employers' in the gym of a local community centre and were interviewed by the ones we were interested in. I interviewed at St. Patrick's Family Centre, the Boys and Girls Club of Dieppe and an after school youth program. I really wanted St. Pat's because I would be able to work with children and also have free reign of the facility. Wouldn't you know that positive thinking is really a wonderful thing as that's the one I got! :D Work starts on Monday for everyone except for me and Danielle.. We are the house managers (House Bitches) for the first week. We get to stay home and do the cooking and cleaning. It'll be nice because we'll get some peace and quiet but at the same time we're cleaning up after 12 people.. Not an easy task! I'm really excited to try out some new recipes!
Yesterday was a day at the beach! We had a BBQ and a sand castle building contest. It was such a beautiful day.. I even got a sun tan! :)
Today was the first of many bread-making days. It started out innocent but soon turned into a 'get dough on everyone and everything day'. It was so much fun to work with my hands and to see how creative everyone could get with the placement of flour and dough on other people's bodies.. I'm not going to elaborate anymore.. You can get the picture! I can't wait until we bake it and get to try it! :D

So far my Katimavik experience has been amazing! Something that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world! (Not even a huge ass steak! wow!) I just hope I continue to have such wonderful experiences and enjoy every opportunity I'm given! Katimavik isn't something you learn.. It's something you live! :D


  1. I can just imagine the "Bread-making fiasco". It's probably better pictured in my head than it was in real life!! Can't wait to hear how you make out as the "house bitch". I can sure see you cooking ... but CLEANING???? Hmmmmm. I'm gonna need to see pictures, please!! <3

    Mommy (at Grandmas!!)

  2. Ouch!! :( I think that nothing can top our bread-making fiasco! There are new photos up on Facebook! Check 'em! :p <3

  3. Jean would be so very excited to find out that her recipe was used as ammo and wallpaper in the "Bread-making fiasco". Let me know if works better as buns or bullets!! Remember your safety glasses! I'm with :) BTW, dinner was terrible. Roast beast, gravy, ambrosia salad, and choc cake with rasp jam filling.....awful, just awful, I wouldn't even think of sending you any leftovers. :p Keep having fun! Love Dad.
