Monday, January 25, 2010

Becoming Aquainted With Mr. Ink

Well well well.. Who would'a thunk that I would actually go through with being jabbed repeatedly with a needle for 15 minutes? I thought that I may but when it came right down to it turned out I had more courage that I had previously entertained. For all of you who haven't figured out what I'm talking about; I got a tattoo! (see below for picture) I'm loving it and I can't wait to get more! I'm hoping to expand on this one in the future and get more paw prints but seeing as each one will be affiliated with an important event in my life I'll just have to wait until my life has more meaning. There were four of us who got 'inked' on our four-month Katima-verasry. It was all very exciting and I thought that everyone knew of the fact that it was our four month but when I mentioned it after the pain had been inflicted and the results were permanent they all stopped and looked at each other. A mass of hugs ensued and then winces as we all touched each other's tattoos. We must have been a funny group.. Dani hobbling along the sidewalk after deciding she wanted a tat on her foot; Dan with his sweater half off because it rubbed on his arm; me walking with my back as stiff and unmoving as possible so as to not irritate my paw print. Sandra also got one but her's 'didn't hurt' Na-ah! We also had in our company Kristen with her fair trade coffee and Josh with his rollerblades in hand.
I can't imagine what people think when they see our group out in public. Minimum three people speaking French, 2 dread heads, one beauty queen and a few grungy people. Not to mention those of us with stretched ears and tattoos now. I guess you could say we're a motley crew.