Friday, October 9, 2009

Hey all!! :)
Here's a little insight into my Katima-life!
I'm going to start off by saying that being house manager is not everything it's cracked up to be. Sure I enjoyed the sleeping in and the ability to wear pajamas all day but the stress of turning around to look at an area you just cleaned and not being able to tell it had just been clean is not for me. I know have an understanding of why my parents would react the way they did when we didn't tidy up after ourselves! I would have such a sense on accomplishment when I would sit down on the couch after cleaning! ..and then 'the children' would come home from work and my whole day's work would be destroyed. Gaah! At least I got many glowing commendations on my cooking! I was asked on several occasions to stay on as perma-house manager. I quickly declined! I really pulled out my dad and grandma's best recipes though so I can't take all the credit.. Tofu vegetable stir-fry on Monday, seafood fettuccine Tuesday, bacon and eggs on Wednesday, Thursday was Dad's beef stew and tonight we did lemon cod and Grandma's Japanese salad. Yay us! (Danielle and I)
There's really nothing much to report as my days were extremely repetitive! We just got back from Halloween shopping at Value Village! I got most of my costume already! :D
Tomorrow we're heading to the Bay of Fundy with the rest of the cluster! I'm so excited! We haven't gotten together with everyone since Orientation Camp!
On Sunday I think we're doing Tree-go.. This is basically zip-lining through trees and having group building activities amongst the tree tops! I'm really stoked!
Nothing else is jumping to my mind right now so I'm going to end here I guess.. Until next time! Adios!

1 comment:

  1. So who gets to prepare Thanksgiving dinner? Sounds like you might be voted in. Hope you enjoy the holiday, I get to work Sun and Mon so we won't be celebrating Canadian style but hopefully with your Grandma here we'll have a good American Thanksgiving in Nov with our 2 new additions. Also we wish you good luck with your new job next week. Thanks for the updates.
