Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thank you for your patience!

Well everyone, here's the update I know you've all been dying for! I know because I've had numerous comments over Facebook regarding this.
This past week or two has easily been the busiest time frame since last volleyball season! We've been going non-stop.. Quite literally.. Our last block of free time must have been.. hmm.. uh.. October 4th maybe?? :p
Here is a list of some of the things we've done/accomplished in the past little while:
-A high school dance
-TYPS Youth conference
-Bottle Drive
-Acadian Concert called Ode a l'acadie
-Amazing Race with the Boys and Girls Club
-In house Talent Show
-Halloween Party at St. Pat's
-Apple picking
-Lunch with Bouctouche
-Oliviary Soapery
-Moncton Zoo
-Magnetic Hill

Our "free-time" blocks are filled with learning activities and the infamous KCC meetings. This leaves us with (if we're lucky) an hour of free time per week. Let me elaborate on KCC.. It's where we come together as a group and decide what we want to do with our non-existing free time. We have different committees who plan different things. I'm on the Official Language Committee. We plan different activities that focus on practicing our second languages. There's the Activities Committee who ..duu duu duu duuuuuu! Plan different activities for us to do, usually on weekends. The Community Committee plans different volunteer activities for us to participate in within the community. Last but most definitely not least is the Executive Committee. They're in charge of bringing all the committees together in order to make sure that everyone is on the same page and that the group is okay with all of the proposed activities. Our last KCC meeting took place on Sunday night, from 7:00 until about 10:00.. Who would have thought that during one week we'd accumulate three hours of discussions!
Now I'm moving on to Magnetic Hill.. I was actually pretty disappointed with it! Sure our van of twelve people was successfully pulled up a little path, but it was no where near the spectacle I'd built it up to be in my head. I was hoping for a huge hill that we were pulled up in a spiral form. It was just a tiny, barely paved road with a slight incline.. It really tweaked my curiosity though.. What exactly is the reason for this natural wonder? I'm sure with the help of Google I could figure it out but as you all know I'm pretty lacking in the time department.
Nothing else was of extreme consequence (either that or I'm failing to remember which is probably more than likely).
I'm really, really excited about the Halloween party we're hosting for the other Katimavik groups in my cluster as well as 18 Canada World Youth participants. This will bring our total to around 65 people in our tiny little (former crack-) house. I just came into the information that our house used to belong to a hard core junkie.. Turns out this is why we were able to find the square footage at such a reasonable rate! Who knew?
The weekend after this one is our 48-hour break!! :D I'm heading off to Digby NS to stay with my cousin! I cannot bloody wait!! I'm not even sure what I'm going to do without 6 other people sleeping in the same room (*cough bed cough*). You could say that we're pretty close here in Katimavik: Dieppe :) I think that my personal bubble is sans-existent anymore as I'm forgetting what it is like to be alone.. So far I have had very few struggles with this lack of privacy and I'm very grateful to have the wonderful group that I do have!
We had an Open House last night and we had about 15 local visitors (almost a Katima-record!) and I really had to laugh at people's reactions to our living quarters and just the general tight-knit formation of our group! I guess I don't really think about who I sit on or who's pretending to make out with whom anymore.. Gotta love Katima-life! Just 5 weeks ago we were 11 strangers sitting around a table in the Moncton Airport and now we're one big family, no one existing completely without the others.. I can't believe how I've come to rely on my Katima-family. Be it when I'm setting the table or just need a hug I know that I have 10 other people to turn to.
Well I should wrap this up and get to bed.. It seems the only computer time I get is late at night when everyone else has gone to bed.. Until next time..

Live vicariously through yourself. (Or me if you would prefer.. I don't mind :p)

1 comment:

  1. Can't say it enough Sydney - miss you and enjoy reading about your activities. Give Colleen a hug for me too. Gma
